antony kidman child

True to Kidmans word, my ability in, and pursuit of, every one of my interest areas has been thwarted by cult members to this day. Rosalind Croucher presided over this violation of my human rights, alongside NSW Police commissioner John Avery, Australian cricket captain Richie Benaud, and ASIO officer and federal politician Kim Beazley Snr. We love you, the proud dad gushed. The Australian wing of this child trafficking operation is coordinated by ASIO (Australian Security Intelligence Organisation). It was built at the underground military base located near Dulce, New Mexico. Googling "Fiona Barnett" will show you a testimony where Barnett accuses Kidman's father Dr. Antony Kidman, an influential child psychologist who treated Barnett, of being a mind control programmer! Its a long story, and others want their say as well, so I hope this gives the readers some leads. Nazism drew out and promoted those Slavics who secretly practised Luciferianism. WORLDWIDE PATRIOTS BELIEVE YOU AND STSND WITH YOU IN THIS TAKE DOWN FIGHT! I recall a degree of commotion that would emanate from that Murphy house. To protect wealthy pedophiles. This evil reign will decelerate when "legal abortion" (sacrifice of the innocent children) of the most vulnerable human being in the womb, is struck from public law. Most Australians won't know of this, but their is much witchcraft and satanism in Perth, also conducted in the main park near the city. My grandparents and the other Slavic war criminals who were granted asylum in Australia, congregated to covertly practise their brand of Nazi Luciferianism here in Australia. In his book, Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer, Lilly explained how children can be programmed MK-ULTRA fashion using LSD and his sensory deprivation tank. Keep reading to discover fun facts about Sunday Rose that underscore what a cool and interesting kid she is. The CIA continue to make money out of child trafficking by laundering it through banks and funnelling it into CIA terror organisations that have decimated Syria and other nations. The whole sordid event ended in a pedophile orgy, in which I was gang raped by a group including Rosalind Croucher,who urinated in my mouth. This is the ritual that occurred at Bathurst City Hall in 1985, presided over by the AHRC President. I have seen and experienced many spiritual things in my life. (Currently we do not use targeting or targeting cookies. Your login session has expired. Child rape, torture, and murder are routinely practised within Luciferianism for various reasons: 1. His MK-Ultra programming was structured on a pentagram - the same emblem that featured in his inner Sydney City cult. And Weinstein got away with it for close to 30 yrs but the truth came out.. I came forward to Bathurst police detectives after Tor Nielsen reported to police that he saw 60 children ritually raped in the same hall by NSW Police and Catholic priests who worked at nearby St Stanislaus College. But if you want to play, I demand that you tell us your real legal name. But they say our voice is our conviction. They dont have a phone and I dont allow them to have an Instagram, she said, adding, I try to keep some sort of boundaries. Hmm, wonder if that will change now that Sunday is 12? During my Grande Council hearing, Antony Kidman warned me I would amount to nothing without the cults backing. Barnett had named as her perpetrators her grandfather, Kidman,two former Australian prime ministers, a Parliament House governor general and a state police commissioner. That is my statement. I pushed thechildrenup over the first steep hill. Paul Wilsons wife Robyn Lincoln, also a Bond University lecturer, was on the advisory board of Bravehearts, a fake child abuse victim advocacy group which targets victims of VIP child abuse for silencing. Lucia is the daughter of Antonia Kidman, a former television presenter-turned-lawyer who is the sister of Oscar-winning actress Nicole Kidman. Peter named his Doberman dog Satan and trained him tohunt and rape children. One of the guys in my school, who would steal cars, hung out with the Murphy Brothers. I will now lay the foundations for explaining the relationship between pedophilia, child trafficking, ritual abuse, mind control practises, and the CIAs Project MK-ULTRA. MK-NAOMI received CIA funding through MK-ULTRA Subprojects 13, 30 and 50. The most trusting n vulnerable people are children. Most of my perpetrators were raised Catholic, and many associated with the Catholic colleges located at Sydney University, particularly Patricia Ann Conlon who lived at Sancta Sophia College at Sydney University. Under Kim Beazleys administration, I was prostituted,at age 6 years, to apedophile orgyat Parliament House in Canberra, where I was raped by thenPrime MinisterGough Whitlam,Attorney-GeneralLionel Murphy, andGovernor-GeneralJohn Kerr. During this trip, I was raped bymedia founderTed Turnerat a pedophile party held atDisneyland, and I was trafficked to the annual summer camp atBohemian Groveattended by notable politicians, businessmen and other VIPs. When I was 14 years old, Grande Dame Patricia Ann Conlon chose me to succeed her. 6262. Thank you for your huge contribution to the shift. Bravehearts tried to destroy Sarahs case. In theIndependent Australia NewsBarnett stated that as a youngchild, Gittinger abused and raped me.. Thank you for never giving up and telling your story. Holsworthy Army Base sits adjacent to Lucas Heights nuclear reactor, now called ANSTOW (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation). I took it up to the Erskinville public school furnace and threw it in. Trigger Warning: P*dophilia and child s*xual abuse. Terry Goldsworthy lied by omission when he failed include my age during this 1985 ritual and reported me as an adult perpetrator instead of a 15-year-old victim of child abuse, to the Queensland Psychology Board. Thank you for exposing phycobabble that attemts to normalize child rape and pedophillia also attempting to practice mind control over the suseciptiple . Flashback 7 years ago a little ray of sunshine in the shape of a girl. Happy 8th birthday Sunny!!!! Flashback 8 years ago- "a little ray of sunshine in the shape of a girl" Happy 8th birthday Sunny!!!! I left what once I believed was God's house (but what I did not understand was that all the while the RCC was slowly being over-ridden by God's enemies, God always dwelt there regardless). Child rape, torture, and murder are routinely practised within Luciferianism for various reasons: Delta is comprised of MK-ULTRA victims. Since the tender age of three Barnett had been trapped insideAustralias vast pedophile networkwherechildrenwere sex trafficked, hunted down for sport and murdered. Dope Inc then explains how the drug trafficking and related money laundering operation established in the Opium Wars, is the exact same operation in existence today. Saw nothing himself. In this setting the various hypnotic, pharmacologic, and sensory-environmental variables will be manipulated in a controlled fashion, and quantitative continuous recordings of the reactions of the experimental subjects will be made. That is a fabulously articulated reply and very Heartwarming nice to hear. Dr. Antony Kidman died Friday (September 12, 2014) after fleeing Australia when accused of the sexual abuse and murder of children in an elite Sydney pedophile ring. Kidman married Janelle Glenny, then a student nurse, in 1963. Seems that Nicole Kidmans father was part of a CIA mild-control program that experiments on and abuses children. My name is Fiona Barnett. Antony Kidman heading to Singapore, dying etc after her making allegations a month earlier about him isnt sufficient, its only based on peoples suspicion. Sharing a snapshot of Keith Urban at their family home to her Instagram Stories, Kidman wrote, Happy Fathers Day to the best, coolest dad in the world. That said, I disagree most vehemently because there are things you don't seem yet cognizant of, and I believe if you were, you could not possibly say such things in that way. In one of her acceptance speeches, she had mentioned she wanted to put them on the shelves in her daughters rooms. THAT is exactly what Satan desires the most. Internet users have unleashed their wrath against Nicole Kidman on Twitter. When you read Dope Inc, if you cross out the word drugs and insert the word kids then you have a picture of the CIA child trafficking organisation that violated my human rights. Barnetts Nazi grandfathers pedophile network was said to include clinical psychologists Kidman and John W. Gittinger who developed a popular test among psychiatric professionals known as the Personality Assessment System. This left netizens appalled and they demanded that the celebrities must denounce Balenciaga. My memory of my involvement in these cult activities were mostly dissociated from my everyday thinking. Rosalind Croucher was ambitious, jealous, and wanted the position for herself; Consequently, after Patricia Anne Conlons death, Rosalind Croucher sought revenge by organising the Bathurst City Hall birthday gathering in 1985, in which I was raped on an alter by B-grade actor Bruce Spence in front of a room full of Luciferian pedophiles including multiple NSW Police and Catholic priests. You are stronger than all these perpetrators combined So, I found a strong link between Antony Kidman and Hillsong church. Perpetrators took turns sneaking up on me. Which isnt to say I believe her story. I was born Fiona Rae Holowczak, on 28 October 1969, in Sydney, Australia. Antonia Kidman, 50, shares a stunning photo with lookalike daughter Lucia | Daily Mail Online. You must realize that these Satanists INVERT all things that are holy and sanctified. They resemble the super soldiers developed at Pine Gap and Dulce 45 years ago. Beginning with Subproject 84, the University of Sydney became a major centre for MK-ULTRA hypnosis research during the early 1960s. What a well written article. I don't recall the official story as having a huge amount of victims. That is why Gittinger tested me at age 5 years using the Stanford Binet LM and the Block Design subtest of the Weschler series, the best measures of visual-spatial IQ. Having been to Pergamum, I can attest to this. I recently spoke with a former member of Delta and asked him about what I recalled. At age 6 years, I was well taught this lesson. Her twitter and facebook are no longer in existence and the last post on her blog is from September 3rd. Now one month following my notification against Kidman, he is dead. For information on deleting the cookies, please consult your browsers help function.Learn more about the cookies we use. They used child soldiers for this purpose. In 2015, 7-foot tall genetically modified engineered soldiers were filmed beheading 21 Christians in Egypt during the CIA-orchestrated Arab fundamentalist uprising. My Bond University supervisor, Norm Barling, a former Bond University lecturer, contemptuously called my Forensic Psychology lecturers, Katarina Fritzon and Rebecca Doley lesbian witches after these women lied to the Australian health board about me and so destroyed my psychology career, despite my excellent academic record. I bring your attention to a US military document approved for release by the CIA in 2010. Their attack came after I rejected Katarina Fritzons sexual advances which included two sexual assaults, objected in class to pro-pedophile lecture content, and exposed Bond Universitys coverup of a child sex trafficking ring that involved the Queensland state Department of Childrens Services (DOCS). And I fully stand behind you. Thats keeping it real!, I am nothing without the love of my family , A post shared by Nicole Kidman (@nicolekidman) on May 29, 2019 at 2:51pm PDT. The way I have been treated for daring to speak up about my child abuse, and for taking a pro-victim stance against Luciferian pedophiles, has been far worse than my original abuse. These are your random covens based on nationality (e.g., theres a strong Scottish coven in Bundaberg), sexual orientation (e.g., Bond University has a lesbian coven), gang membership (bikie gangs), or self-styled, whatever goes these days. This article is dedicated to victims of the Vatican and mafia-run global elite Ninth Circle SatanicChildSacrifice Cult, and to the memory of over 50,800 missingchildren, some of whom rest in 34 mainly Catholic-owned unmarked massgravesites that have been refused excavation across Canada, Ireland and Spain. ON WHITE BALLOON DAY 2014, September 7, an event meaningful to me because it raises awareness for child sex assault victims, the main perpetrator of my childhood abuse, Antony Kidman, died suddenly. He thought long and hard to answer me and said " To hell". Actor John Bell (who gang raped me with Kidman) also graduated from Sydney University in 1962. You see, I was not the first to complain to the health board about Antony Kidman. I am interested in the integration of programs related to roses. You can not possibly understand their pervasiveness unless you were raised in their world. The number one rule of Luciferianism is there is no such thing as Luciferianism. If you disband this operation, you will virtually eliminate the trafficking of children, drugs, and guns in our society and perhaps worldwide. The names expressed through this woman, were names that most people would never have heard of, that you would have to try and research. THE DRAGON AND SERPENT SYMBOLS WHAT YOURE NOT BEING TOLD Beverly Hills, Sutherland Shire (which was gifted by, and closely associated with, the US military). Major Louis J. But when Kidman got remarried to Urban, the couple knew they wanted to try to conceive. She also announced that she has lodged complaints against Antony with the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. MK-ULTRA subprojects were conducted in most Australian hospitals, universities and research facilities throughout the 1960s, 70s and 80s. My clueless mother told me I was telling fibs, and so I abandoned this attempt. The clean cop who refused to report Sally Annes murder as suicide, had his career destroyed and life threatened by NSW Police after he testified to the Royal Commission against his corrupt colleagues. Alfred Hammer likewise spent two sabbaticals in Martin Ornes USA laboratories during the 1960s and 70s. Because when you read how outlandish her entire story sounds, they neednt bother, as it will remain on the fringes and confined to alternative news sites while she is considered a kook, without decent proof of her extensive claims. My efforts to fight this resulted in the NSW police apologising to my daughter and giving her a police showbag. I AM SO SORRY FOR TOUR JOURNEY THUS FAR, LET'S FINISH THIS TSKE DOWN AS ONE TOGETHERNESS WORLDWIDE! michael lombard actor obituary; justinas duknauskas biography; organic valley grassmilk yogurt discontinued You ARE so BRAVE & one of our Countrys most amazing WOMEN. Urban, who just wrapped a season as an American Idol judge, is up in . We refer to these bottom feeders as coven scum. It appears, in between the lines, that proof is not what Question is really seeking. She showed off her ring which was an Eastern Star pentagram with coloured gemstones. Concerns credibility. Huxley was appointed to the board for the 1960 period and was also on the board of the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, which also conducted MK-ULTRA research), with Richard Casey as the Executive. The document dated 9 June 1983 is addressed to the Commander of US Army Operational Group at Fort Meade, by Lieutenant Colonel Wayne M. McDonnell. Kidman was responsible for ensuring that I never disclosed pedophileringactivities that I witnessed as achild, she continued. Frederick Evans received a Fulbright Scholarship to work with Martin Orne at Harvard in 1963. My basic soldier training was supervised by Colonel Victor Chang at Holsworthy Army Base. This publication also notes:We wish to thank A. G. Hammer, then acting Head of the Department of Psychology, for his cooperation with the use of departmental facilities.. That is THE MOST egregious breach of trust and protection. Yesterday Barnett released her own theory aboutKidmans death, The main perpetrator of mychildsexual abuse, Antony Kidman, is dead after I filed formal complaints accusing him of the rape, torture and murder ofchildrenin an exclusive Sydney pedophilering. May your truth be heard, Why do you think the laws are the way they are? Nicole Kidman's biochemist father, Antony Kidman, died suddenly in 2014 at age 75 after suffering a fall. In 1961, Wendy Thorn received a post-graduate research scholarship at the Australian national University (ANU) for studies on the placebo effect, after completing her thesis in 1960 at Sydney University, on posthypnotic amnesia. Early life and education. Chang was a CIA asset with training in brainwashing and torture techniques. I recall telling of this to my English teacher and he saying that witches don't exist > LOL. Have you not know how *DEEPLY INVOLVED* the CIA has been involved EVERYWHERE??!! I remember the look of my group leader and his astonishment of this being something extremely old. The Holowczaks sought refuge from retaliation from the Allies for their collaboration with the Nazis. Both Jacqueline Goodnow and John W. Gittinger had performed research at this hospital and it was one of the major centres for MK-ULTRA research. Dr. Antony Kidman died Friday after fleeingAustraliawhen accused of the sexual abuse and murder ofchildrenin an elite Sydney pedophilering. I had a near death experience while I was unconscious and saw a tunnel that resembled the one shown at the start of Dr Who. eventually. Dr. Antony Kidman died Friday after fleeing Australia when accused of the sexual abuse and murder of children in an elite Sydney pedophile ring. Elkes was an LSD and mind control researcher who attended Scottish Rite sponsored events. I think she got my fair skin and thats about it. Kidman even admitted she playfully refers to Sunday as Keith-ette., Ten years ago today our little girl came into the world You are our joy Sunday Rose. Children were imprisoned in cages beneath Holsworthy and never saw daylight. Frank's church fronts were the source of children to be exploited for sex, producing child rape material and experimented on. Nicole Kidman's sister Antonia has penned a heart-wrenching tribute to the pair's late dad Antony Kidman in celebration of Father's Day.. On Sunday, the mother-of-six, 51, said a void will 'always . For a few years, it has been known that Eyes Wide Shut actress Nicole Kidman's father, Dr. Antony Kidman, was accused of participating in an elite, violent pedophile ring in Sydney, Australia, shortly before his death in Singapore apparently on the run from the accusations. They know who, when, names, smells etc. In the past week alone, two people predicted his imminent demise.. Documents show, in PNG, Petrauskas worked alongside notable MK-ULTRA recruits including Margaret Mead, andHitlers chief bio-weapons scientist, Erich Traub. You know, extraordinary claims requiring extraordinary evidence. My love, my support & my dedication are with you in this fight! 1.15K subscribers Subscribe 234 5.7K views 2 years ago #FionaBarnett #nicolekidman News Article:. The Bathurst City Hall crime gave me grounds for leaving the cult. In a candid interview with Vanity Fair, Kidman confessed that she and Urban are actually quite strict in some ways. Kylie was in a senior administrative position within theABC broadcasting networkin 2015, when theABC TVshowMedia Watchpublicly attacked me for speaking to a press conference about my child trafficking experiences. Some awareness slipped through, such as when at age 12 years, the mother of my best friend Fiona LeCornu-Levett, came to collect me from my step-grandfathers house, to take me to her Macquarie Fields home for a visit. This indicates Anns association with intelligence agencies, and her role in the CIAs Project MK-ULTRA. Richard Casey helped establish ASIO and ASIS and helped secure funding for USEFA in 1959. I spoke with Rothstein who said he knew of an identical VIP pedophile ring that existed here in Australia, and that an Australian intelligence officer named Peter Osborne knew the details of this. Huh?? Putin recently said Russia are developing super soldiers that are worse than nuclear bombs. I know exactly what he meant. I asked this warlock where he was going to go when he died? Helen lied to the European immigration authorities by saying Peter Holowczak was her husband and the father of my father. Below these sit approximately 300 Luciferian bloodlines who are generally high IQ, although this tends to have been watered down in some families due to intermarriage. 3. This is commonly known as astral projection. Many people I grew up with in Inner SE Melbourne agree that LV is not well and his daddy (also called Tony) used to hit him over the head with hot nails (clavos calientes) and God knows what else Fr Kevin did to him, especially when it came to Sodomizing he & his male relatives, as children. Patricia Anne trained in MK-ULTRA techniques while undertaking a postgraduate scholarship in 1964-65 at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. This training included esoteric knowledge and skills and employed trauma-based mind control techniques. You f##kn legend. The Silence speaks volumes. Commissioner James Wood covered up all reports of VIP child sex trafficking, ritual abuse, and mind control. Thats something you wouldnt read in your local football club handbook. ai thinker esp32 cam datasheet My leaving the Sydney based Luciferian cult left them in a pickle. My efforts to fight this resulted in the NSW police apologising to my daughter and giving her a police showbag. Children are tested at age 3 for whether they should be raised with conscious or dissociated awareness of their cult involvement. As for her age, when someone is sexually abused they dont forget. My father, who has complex PTSD and DID, once told my relatives: Everything Fiona says about the Satanists is true, but we just dont tell her, for her own good.. What people must appreciate is that the Nazis were Luciferians. She was currently receiving CIA funding via the Studies in Hypnosis Project that was directed by Martin Orne. I am so so sorry you endured such horror at the hands of those you were dependent. And by the way there is high CIA security there as well as Area 51which begs the question what are they really hiding if you have such high security. When I was a child, the CIA said our enemy wascommunism Today, the CIA says our enemy isterrorism. GOD AND JEDUS HIS SON HAVE US IN THEIR PROTECTION TO SEE THIS THROUGH! I also witnessed the ritual murder of a woman by male guests dressed in black Luciferian robes. The wave of Slavic Nazis offered asylum in Australia was documented in Mark Aarons book War Criminals Welcome: Australia, a Sanctuary for War Criminals Since 1945. tower cafe sacramento; galley pirate blox fruits. Thank you Fiona, for your book, I urge all to download it on a usb stick, and distribute, I remember clearly going through the e-mails with other anons, thinking, what this hankerchief, pizza etc as we were posting.yes all my accounts get deletednew one is only 3 days old I have read a bit about Sunday Reed and her husband John. I am amazed that she could categorically link her abusers from decades ago at the tender age of 6 to the high profile names she provided as an adult. Alfred Conlon recruited anthropologist Camilla Wedgewood to ASOPA. I met him, and to my delight he was everything Peter Holowczak was not: intelligent, attractive, highly respected, and ethical. Speaking to E! Luciferianismis arranged according to a hierarchical structure which vaguely resembles a caste system. Owing to his Jesuit training, Leonas Petrauskas assumed the role of head Luciferian priest within the Sutherland Shire Catholic diocese. I returned to the house of my Father almost five years ago after 49 years of exile, when I REALIZED THIS TRUTH, but I could only enter a RCC which was still consecrated under the old Roman Rite ritual of the Latin mass and its authentic liturgy. Other children were specifically bred to serve as human lab rats, their births not registered. The lab at the time of Kidman's work was run by Dr. Erminio Costa, who made critical discoveries regarding the effect of LSD on the human brain. Along with the celebrity collaborations, the brand also released an ad that featured children posing with plush teddy bear handbags where the toys were wearing b*ndage costumes. Catastrophic Covid Vax Mandates Shutting Down Hospitals, Medical Centers and Healthcare Systems Like This?! I will give you an example. I bring your attention to a January 14, 1953, memo entitled Interrogation techniques which states: This is what occurred during the Luciferian black mass conducted at Bathurst City Hall. I have been quiet for the past few days, not because I havent been disgusted and outraged by the recent Balenciaga campaigns, but because I wanted an opportunity to speak to their team to understand for myself how this could have happened. An amendment: extraordinary evidence is too high a burden of proof to expect, considering courts have eased the requirements as getting convictions is difficult in such cases and because the events happened so long ago. Helen was pursued by the Russians for her role in the Gestapo. Gittinger then accepted me into the MK-ULTRA program based on my high IQ, creativity, physical strength and endurance, blue-eyed blonde features, bloodline, and intuition. I think if you read the official story by someone that states that they were a victim, this was done in a house of a family that knew and trusted Frank. for speaking out I was selected based on my Aryan appearance, IQ level, bloodline, flawless body, strength, skills and teachability. Dr. Antony Kidman was in the Laboratory of Preclinical Pharmacology, which Dr. Joel Elkes had helped to create. I was handed over to the CIA child trafficking network by my paternal grandparents, Helen and Peter Holowczak, who resided at 14 McAlister Ave, Engadine, a suburb located in the Sutherland Shire, south of Sydney. Kennith Copeland immaturity and the like. Daruks use as a source of MK-ULTRA child lab rats explains why many victims files were destroyed. My final point is this:ALLmajor crime within Australia stems from the single integrated world trafficking operation that I have described. Kidmans death comes as no surprise. LaTrobe University lecturer Gary Dorsett wrote an article entitled, Boiled Lollies and Band-aids: Gay men and Kids, in Gay Information Quarterly Journal (Spring, 1982) in which headvocatedfor thelegalisation of pedophilia. I saw what passes for these "novus ordo" Catholic churches as wicked b/c their mass deliberately and conveniently removed the old liturgies/prayers of exorcisms against Satan at the altar. I know that there are other victims of Kidmans crimes out there who are perhaps not as far along the healing path as I am. Networkwherechildrenwere sex trafficked, hunted DOWN for sport and murdered people predicted imminent. Barnett had been trapped insideAustralias vast pedophile networkwherechildrenwere sex trafficked, hunted DOWN for and... 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