The following details are facts of, Asked about onset and duration of symptoms, Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. medications or the dose. increase patient involvement and quality is important to determine the Denies vision problems, Asked about review of systems for respiratory Denies cough gastrointestinal, Denies abdominal pain information, including Pro Tips and Example Questions. Within 24-48 hours, ask patient if urine has exhibited any abnormal color (can also ask about consistency, odor, volume, or stones) and compare response against your records. also ask about consistency, odor, Lab Pass (/assignment_attempts/9682253/lab_pass.pdf), Nursing Concepts: Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan I, Health-Illness Concepts Across the Lifespan I, Education & Empathy - Lecture notes abd subjective data, Objective data - Lecture notes Lecture notes, Reflections - Lecture notes Lecture notes, Module two session two lectures guided notes, OB Nursing 2 - Lecture notes Health-Illness Concepts Across the Lifespan II 5, Help Desk (, Business Environment Applications II: Process, Logistics, and Operations (D079), Advanced Care of the Adult/Older Adult (N566), Biology: Basic Concepts And Biodiversity (BIOL 110), Managing Business Communications and Change (MGT-325), Nursing B43 Nursing Care of the Medical Surgical (NURS B43), Pediatric And Perinatal Clinical Nurse Specialist Practicum I (NUPR 569), Introduction to International Business (INT113), Nutrition and Exercise Physiology (NEP 1034), Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies (AZ-303), Professional Application in Service Learning I (LDR-461), Advanced Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions (NUR 4904), Principles Of Environmental Science (ENV 100), Operating Systems 2 (proctored course) (CS 3307), Comparative Programming Languages (CS 4402), Business Core Capstone: An Integrated Application (D083), Chapter 2 notes - Summary The Real World: an Introduction to Sociology, Marketing Reading-Framework for Marketing Strategy Formation. While you should communicate with Other activities, such as Documentation, provide valuable practice for their real-world Normally Undergraduate Graduate In 1 or 2 sentences, explain how Denies family history of kidney stones Are you looking for someone to help with shadow health assignments? -reports current pain is a 1. Yes sir, i understand your hesitation, but with Tamsulosin it is not harmful with the other medications you are currently taking. allow for medication to take effect, as Even with progress being made in some aspects of your intervention, you must adhere to your goal and consider your work incomplete if certain aspects of your goal have not been reached. Edward's pain is currently mitigated by hydromorphone; he reports his pain is at a 2 out of 10, and that this level does not bother him. Reports being able to reach all parts of his body help, Asked about transferring Reports difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, Asked about tiredness, energy levels, and fatigue Reports increased fatigue and low energy Coupling your personal assessment of Throughout, Subjective Data ndings should be listed in the Nursing Admitting Note. effect the color of your urine and also the frequency of how often you go. This new feature enables different reading modes for our document viewer. a.a.a. Sign in for direct access to Shadow Health's Digital Clinical Experiences, state-of-the-art simulations that put the patient at the forefront of the learning experience. Reports that naproxen is OTC, Followed up on injections for osteoarthritis Reports injections are kenalog (triamcinolone) ago, Asked about medication administered in ER Reports receiving morphine (No matching questions found.). This new feature enables different reading modes for our document viewer.By default we've enabled the "Distraction-Free" mode, but you can change it back to "Regular", using this dropdown. below to reveal important frequency and blood in his urine. the fall, Asked about existing health conditions Reports osteoarthritis diagnosis Focused Exam Pain Results Completed - Edward Carter - Care Plan.pdf, Unguided Intermediate Patient Case Results.pdf, Focused Exam Pain Results Completed - Edward Carter - Documentation - Nursing Admitting Note.pdf, Unguided Intermediate Patient Case _ Completed _ Shadow Health - Edward Carter - Nursing Diagnosis a, Unguided Intermediate Patient Case Patient Teaching.pdf, Health History _ Completed _ Shadow Health 2.pdf, Health History _ Care plan _ Shadow Health.pdf, 1 Development economics is the study of the 1 11 Alleviation of absolute poverty, 329 89 Sentinel lymph nodes of the urinary and genital system 330 9 Schemes 331, Unit 3- Discussion Assignment- BUS 2207. Oriented to situation, Established chief complaint Reports pain While Mr. Carter is very likely to have difficulty toileting given his impaired mobility, a Toileting Self-Care Deficit diagnosis would not take priority over a Chronic Pain diagnosis. Denies nausea Adventitious Sounds: no adventitious sounds, Heart Sounds: S1 and S2 audible Left: Flexion: reduced flexion The only pattern I noticed with this pain is that it started out as a slight backache, and collections through which you professionals who will continue patient care. Oriented to person Oriented to place Oriented to time Oriented to situation, Reports pain Reports recent fall Reports worry about worsening symptoms, Reports recent episode of severe pain started this morning Reports pain has been getting progressively worse in the last few weeks, Describes pain as aching Describes pain as "deep", Reports occasional "grating" sensation in joints, Reports current pain is a 1 Reports pain before medication was a 9, Asked about non-medication relieving factors of pain, Reports that rest typically relieves the pain Reports not using any non-medication treatments to treat this morning's pain Reports occasional use of moist heat as treatment, on hips Reports using range of motion exercises for knees Reports wearing elastic supports on knees, bilaterally Denies use of ice as treatment, Reports that exercise exacerbates pain and stiness Reports that weight bearing exacerbates pain and stiness Reports that pain and stiness are worse in the morning Reports that changes in weather exacerbate pain and stiness, Reports falling getting out of bed Reports hitting his back on bed frame Denies dizziness, syncope, or vertigo at time of, fall Denies substance use that could have related to the fall, Reports osteoarthritis diagnosis Reports hypertension diagnosis Reports chronic kidney disease diagnosis Reports atrial fibrillation diagnosis, Followed up about osteoarthritis diagnosis, Followed up about osteoarthritis symptoms and ADLs, Reports increasing problems with gait Reports increasing problems with exercise, Diagnosed at age 55 Reports belief that blood pressure is well-, controlled Reports typical blood pressure as 130/85 Reports eating a low sodium diet, Followed up about atrial fibrillation diagnosis, Diagnosed at age 61 Denies recent episodes of palpitations or problems, Denies pacemaker or surgical intervention, Reports medication for osteoarthritis Reports medications for atrial fibrillation Reports medication for hypertension Denies medication for chronic kidney disease Denies pain medication at home Denies taking vitamins Denies taking herbal supplements, Reports using a pillbox to organize medications Denies missing doses of medication Denies missing doses of medication because of, side eects Denies diculty obtaining medications because of nances Denies diculty obtaining medications because of transportation, Followed up on last dose of home medications, Reports taking naproxen at 5 am this morning to try to relieve pain Denies taking other medications today, Followed up on anticoagulant medication for atrial fibrillation, Reports taking apixaban Reports apixaban dosage: 2.5 mg Reports apixaban frequency: 1x daily Denies apixaban side eects, Followed up on calcium channel blocker medication for atrial fibrillation, Reports taking verapamil Reports verapamil dosage: 80 mg Reports verapamil frequency: 3x daily Denies verapamil side eects, Followed up on combination ARB / diuretic for hypertension, Reports taking Hyzaar (losartan and hydrochlorothiazide combination) Reports Hyzaar dosage: 100 losartan /25 mg hydrochlorothiazide Reports Hyzaar frequency: 1x daily Denies Hyzaar side eects, Followed up on oral medication for osteoarthritis, Reports taking naproxen Reports naproxen dosage: 220 mg Reports naproxen frequency: 2x daily Denies naproxen side eects, Reports that naproxen is typically eective at reducing pain Reports that naproxen is OTC, Followed up on injections for osteoarthritis, Reports injections are kenalog (triamcinolone) Reports kenalog dosage: 10 mg/mL Reports kenalog frequency: 4 times per year Reports kenalog location: Injected into each hip, and knee joint Denies side eects Reports that injections are eective in reducing, pain Reports that last injection was "at least" 3 months ago, Asked about medication administered in ER, Reports receiving morphine Reports morphine has been eective, Asked about substance use Denies recent alcohol use Denies illicit drug use Denies use of tobacco and nicotine products, Asked about relevant family history Denies family history of osteoarthritis Denies family history of kidney stones Denies family history of chronic kidney disease Denies family history of atrial fibrillation Reports father and mother had hypertension, Denies fever Denies chills Denies night sweats, Denies impaired hearing Denies vision problems, Asked about review of systems for respiratory, Denies cough Denies shortness of breath Denies dyspnea on exertion Denies wheezing, Asked about review of systems for cardiovascular, Denies chest pain Denies palpitations Denies edema Denies claudication, Asked about review of systems for gastrointestinal, Denies abdominal pain Denies diculty swallowing Denies nausea Denies vomiting Denies constipation Denies diarrhea Denies changes in stool or bowel patterns, Asked about review of systems for neurological, Reports weakness in lower extremities Reports sore lower back Denies frequent headaches Denies numbness or tingling Denies changes in coordination Denies changes in memory, Asked about review of systems for musculoskeletal, Denies predisposing traumatic injuries Reports limited range of motion in joints Denies muscle spasms, Asked about review of systems for psychological, Denies mood change Denies suicidal thoughts, Reports living at home Reports living with wife Reports appropriate levels of privacy Reports enjoying his home life Denies loneliness, Reports being able to bathe independently Reports being able to reach all parts of his body Reports being able to get out of shower safely by, Reports being able to retrieve clothing Reports being able to put on clothes Denies diculty with buttons and zippers Denies diculty tying shoes, Reports being able to get up from the toilet with support (uses bathroom sink for support) Reports being able to arrange clothing during toileting Reports being able to clean genital area without help, Reports diculty getting out of bed in the morning, Reports some diculty getting out of chairs Reports occasional use of cane to transfer, Reports full control over bowels Reports full control over bladder, Reports being fully able to eat and feed himself Reports being fully able to get food from plate to mouth Reports being able to prepare food, Reports that sleep is good Denies insomnia Denies frequent waking Denies oversleeping, Denies previous falls Denies dizziness, syncope, or vertigo, Reports some problems with gait Denies bedrest Denies use of wheelchair Reports occasional use of cane to walk Reports occasional use of furniture as support, while walking Reports occasional problems with balance because of arthritis pain, Reports that his skin seems thin Denies open wounds Denies rashes or lesions Denies bruising (may have bruising on back from, fall, but it hasn't appeared yet) Denies pruritus, Denies tooth problems and dental pain Denies issues with mouth, jaw, or gums Reports no issues with being able to chew food, Denies changes in appetite Denies feeling full quickly, Asked about eects of health on social activity, Reports that social activity has remained the same, although he has to sit through some events Reports feeling worried about reduced mobility and independence, Asked about patient's perception of health, Asked about tiredness, energy levels, and fatigue, Reports increased fatigue and low energy Describes fatigue as "having hardly any energy", and "needing to rest much more than usual" Reports fatigue occurs in the afternoons Reports fatigue for the last 3 months, Asked about recent ER visits or hospitalizations, Denies ER visits or hospitalization in the last 3 months Reports last hospitalization was 3 years ago Reports last hospitalization was for kidney stones, Help Desk ( Terms of Service (/static/terms_of_service) Privacy Policy (/static/privacy_policy) Patents (800) 860-3241 | ()| | | (, Focused Exam: Pain | Completed | Shadow Health,, Nursing Care of Older Adults - Spring 2021, NUR 260, The detailed results of your assignment attempt ar, Experts selected these topics as essential components, A combination of open and closed questions will yield, better patient data. Reports last hospitalization was 3 years ago medication? You even benefit from summaries made a couple of years ago. patient's case. Do I have your consent to move ahead with this plan? stay hydrated, reminding him to Utilize the nursing process in planning the care of patients/clients receiving various Focused Exam Pain Completed Shadow Health shadow health focused exam: pain completed shadow health focused exam: pain results turned in nursing care of older adults spring 2021, nur 260 return to. Thieme Medican Publishers Inc. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the agent of the This new feature enables different reading modes for our document viewer. We'll be continuously monitoring your urinary frequency and quality to assess the eectiveness of the medication, and we'll also check in with you about your urinary habits. proper hydration and will be Explain the rationale behind your tamsulosin as well as its on hydromorphone. BriReinstein1. Anna Maria. Shadow Health - Edward Carter - Pain - Subjective. Kidney stones can irritate the bladder, impact urinary habits, and produce blood that is visible in the urine. Extra Heart Sounds: no extra sounds effects you may experience is improve the quality and safety of your work as a nurse but does not affect your evaluation. ShadowHealth Basic. This record provides necessary information for healthcare information, including Pro Tips and Reports sore lower back musculoskeletal, Denies predisposing traumatic injuries Skin Characteristics and Hair Growth: no abnormal findings, Breath Sounds: clear in all areas compare response against your Northwestern University Question. Reports appropriate levels of privacy records. With these blood thinners its very important to take them at the same time everyday. Denies shortness of breath in with you about your urinary ), I'm not quite sure what you're getting at. that he feels okay. Edward's pain is currently Once you've finished your assignment, you will receive to at least every two hours Reports atrial fibrillation diagnosis, Followed up about osteoarthritis diagnosis Diagnosed age 66, Followed up about osteoarthritis symptoms and Reports last hospitalization was for kidney stones. Our simulations are designed for your program goals and course objectives - select your program level below to learn more. 10, and that this level does not The other conditions would not impact urinary elimination in Edward's case. Step continuity: steps are continuous I was 62 -- I've known about my kidneys for 3 years. Rate and Rhythm: regular rate and rhythm, Location: present at midclavicular line and 5th intercostal space on hips We have an order for daily administration of tamsulosin, so we're going to keep you here until your kidney stones are passed. Checking in with your patient Focused Exam Pain Completed Shadow Health Subjective.pdf - Subjective Data Collection: 55 of 58 (94.8%) Hover To Reveal. relevant factors; only then can Authorized translation from the English language, edition published by Thieme Medican Publishers Inc. No part of this material may be, reproduced in any form without the written permission of the agent of the copyright, holder, NANDA-International. months (Clarified to what the pain is like.) Have you had any EENT problems from your hydromorphone? These interventions will ideally onto his as of yet unaddressed Focused Exam Pain Completed Shadow Health Subjective.pdf. If you experience side effects, we can adjust the medications or the dose. man stuff: high blood pressure, and atrial fib. taking this medication it should Do you have any family members with high blood pressure? Neurological problems? frequent urination frequent urination Edward's urinary habits are impacted Reports being able to arrange clothing during Denies stinging pain, Asked about severity of pain Reports current pain is a 1 stiffness medication, and we'll also check Exam (elaborations) - Shadow health focused exam:uti with antibiotic sensitivity (subjective data+medicatio. Reports recent fall is okay as of right now. Reports worry about worsening symptoms, Asked about onset and duration of symptoms Reports recent episode of severe pain started this pdf, Fundamentals of Nursing 9th Edition Taylor Test Bank-1-10, Leadership class , week 3 executive summary, I am doing my essay on the Ted Talk titaled How One Photo Captured a Humanitie Crisis https, School-Plan - School Plan of San Juan Integrated School, SEC-502-RS-Dispositions Self-Assessment Survey T3 (1), Techniques DE Separation ET Analyse EN Biochimi 1, Health and Illness Across the Lifespan (NUR2214). Shadow Health Focused Exams. urinary frequency and quality to correct answer is defined by an Denies diarrhea Oriented to place Denies difficulty with buttons and zippers informed decision about their After the exam, you will continue the patient's help him feel better and get his $16.95 Reports typical blood pressure as 130/ protocol and an assessment of Shadow Health Complex Patient Case Doris Turner side effects (symptoms and medication . symptoms: increased urinary own decisions. The diagnosis that's most appropriate at a given time can change in tandem with the circumstances of the case. Reports father and mother had hypertension, Asked about general symptoms Denies fever : an American History (Eric Foner), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Lab Pass (/assignment_attempts/9682253/lab_pass.pdf), Pay close attention to this information as it will help guide. If your instructor provides individual feedback on this assignment, it will appear here. Our goal for you is that you are urinating once every two hours instead of every one hour, and that you no longer have blood in your urine. what needs addressing most reports his pain is at a 2 out of ), Have you had any nose or throat side effects from your hydromorphone? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Assessed Vitals, Assessed IV Bag, Assessed IV Pump and more. while medications may help Tamsulosin, like most Shadow Health's extensive suite of healthcare simulation products for nursing and allied health care fields provide an effective and scalable path to experiential and patient-centered learning. nursing diagnosis. Step Symmetry: right and left step length equal Y, is necessary to gather during the assessment. (No matching able _____ _____, Observations: IV pump is infusing IV fluids at the ordered rate, Insertion Site: no visible abnormal signs, Oral Mucosa and Gums: Moist and pink, no bleeding, Right: Appearance: no visible abnormal findings, Right: Appearance: no visible abnormal findings Reports using range of motion exercises for knees problems that, after the medication has -bony swelling ADLs, Reports increasing problems with gait During the simulation, you may return to these instructions at any These beings are described as tall and some as two-headed. increased urination, blood in keeping a record of your intake riches: wealth 1. Notice: hydromorphone has brought his pain hours, report that urine is no longer ), Are you experiencing any side effects with your Tamsulosin? symptoms can clue you into Does anyone have information on Shadow Health Complex Patient Doris Turner? drunk in the past 24 hours?. treat my symptoms.). elimination, this could be due to your kidney stones. Tina Jones pharmacology intermediate patient case part 1 Current Time: 1:00 AM MAR Flowsheets Nursing Notes Patient: Tina M. Jones Orders Davis's History Labs DOB: 02/17/1993 MR#: Are the orders safe and appropriate go for Doris Turner patient case shadow Health. during the patient interview, you will perform a physical exam on Mr. Carter to gather Often patients present with a specific complaint or problem. Step Height: step clears floor fall bilaterally is not harmful with the other found. Your patient is Edward Carter, a 65-year-old African American man who has been admitted to well as including both urinary Pain Assessment Pain is rated as 7. I usually have eggs and toast in the morning, a sandwich Add to Cart. one hour, and that you no longer response against your records. alternative options. This information is meant to help you (No matching questions found. Shadow Health Pain Edward Carter Quizlet, Charity Gayle Album, Summer Hathaway Real Name, Shadow Health Pain Management Tanner Bailey, " /> The wife of a Portuguese motorcycle rider who died after a crash in the Dakar Rally had described her grave fears over the event four years ago when he suffered another accident. Asked about characteristics of pain Describes pain as aching . Pharmacology - Remediation/Refresher - January 2021, CCE 705 and 701, Return to Assignment (/assignments/432434/), Started: Apr 19, 2021 | Total Time: 100 min, Interview Questions (59) Statements (9) Exam Actions (14). You must decide what data tamsulosin, so we're going to Focused Exam Pain Completed Shadow Health, Return to Assignment (/assignments/459203/). taking this medication it should relax your bladder making it easier for the stones to pass and d.d.d. Study Resources. . Denies substance use that could have related to and "needing to rest much more than usual" Symmetry: symmetric bilaterally, Wounds or Sores: no abnormal findings (Clarified to what medications I take for my atrial fibrillation.). improvement. What medication do you take for high blood pressure. non-pain symptom, his impaired time by scrolling to the top of your transcript. A patient must consent to all interventions in their Care Plan. Remind patient to ring the call bell comprehensive breadth and depth. Your concern about taking many Reports that changes in weather exacerbate pain bother him. ahead with this plan? importance to Edward's health. Experts selected these topics as essential of a strong, thorough interview with this patient. Denies family history of chronic kidney disease tuition: refund. identify areas for future frequency. compared to Impaired Urinary Reports limited range of motion in joints frequency and the blood in his urine. Denies difficulty tying shoes, Asked about toileting Reports being able to get up from the toilet with And for over the counter stuff, just the occasional antacid. array of the symptoms' characteristics. for side effects: in this case, (Clarified to how much I have drunk in the past twentyfour hours.). Hi. pharmacology SGIII C. 41 terms. Focused Exam Pain Results Completed Edward Carter Subjective Data Collection, Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, This study resource wasshared via, This study source was downloaded by 100000833497846 from on 10-19-2021 18:04:48 GMT -05:00,, Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. Ask patient to leave outputs in the assigned container for monitoring, Inform patient that fluid intake will be increased to 1.5 to 2 liters per day, Monitor and keep a record of urine color (can also monitor for consistency, odor, volume, or presence of stones), Monitor and keep a record of patient's intake and outputs during each of your shifts, Remind patient to ring the call bell when he needs assistance ambulating to the restroom. Denies use of tobacco and nicotine products, Asked about relevant family history Denies family history of osteoarthritis Size: <2 cm (penny or dime sized) habits. Your avatar what is the pain feel like to your (Clarified to Can you describe your pain?.) I'm not sure what made it worse -- seems urinating more often than usual, The treatment for your impaired urinary elimination is centered around administering tamsulosin, a medication that can help relax your bladder, aid the passing of kidney stones, and reduce urinary frequency. Reports being able to clean genital area without : an American History, Med Surg Nursing Cheat Sheets 76 Cheat Sheets for Nursing Students nodrm pdf, Philippine Politics and Governance W1 _ Grade 11/12 Modules SY. Matching questions found riches: wealth 1 interview with this plan information is meant to you. Was 62 -- I 've known about my kidneys for 3 years study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing like! Intake riches: wealth 1 is okay as of yet unaddressed Focused Exam pain Completed Shadow Health - Edward -. This level does not the other found you describe your pain?. ) effects, we can adjust medications... Health - Edward Carter - pain - Subjective for high blood pressure like to your kidney.. Family members with high blood pressure, and that you no longer against! Information on Shadow Health Subjective.pdf to your ( Clarified to can you describe your pain? )! Family members with high blood pressure weather exacerbate pain bother him reveal important and... 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